Ovarian Cancer

Every woman has two ovaries, one on either side of the uterus. Ovaries produce eggs and female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Cancer originating in the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer. Generally, ovarian cancer remains hidden until it has spread. It is diagnosed at a later stage when it becomes very difficult to treat and cure the disease. If ovarian cancer is detected in its earlier days of inception, it will be easy to treat and cure it completely.

Types of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancers are classified based on the cells on which the cancer originates. They are discussed below.

Epithelial tumors: Epithelium is a thin layer of tissues covers outside of the ovaries. The cancers beginning in this layer of tissues are known as epithelial tumors. Epithelial tumors form 90 % of the ovarian cancers.
Stromal tumors: Tumors which begin in the hormone producing cells in the ovary are known as stromal tumors. They represent only 7% of the ovarian tumors.
Germ cell tumors: Tumors that begin in the cells producing eggs are known as germ cell tumors. This type of ovarian cancer is seen among young women.

Generally Known Causes of Ovarian Cancer

Causes for the formation of ovarian cancer are not known. It is believed that cancer begins due to some changes that take place in the genetic level, transforming normal cells to abnormal cells. These abnormal cells multiply very fast forming tumors. These cells also invade the nearby tissues and break off from the original tumor resulting metastatic ovarian cancer. The following factors can be considered as ostensible causes, which can increase the risk of getting ovarian cancer are detailed below.

  • Age: Ovarian cancer is usually found among women in the age group of 40-60.
  • Inheritance: Persons whose family members have a history of ovarian cancer are at a greater risk.
  • Hormone therapy: People who have undergone hormone replacement therapy have more risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Beginning of menstruation and menopause: If menstruation has started before the age of 12 or if menopause has started after the age of 52, such persons are at a higher risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome, fertility treatment, smoking, intrauterine devices, never being pregnant, etc. are the other factors that increase the risk of ovarian cancers.

Dynamic Science (DS) Based Causes of Ovarian Cancer

Present science (material science) identifies that there are mutations or epigenetic changes happen in the genetic level that leads to the development of Cancer. Dynamic Science, which explains how mind, vital force (soul) and DNA are interconnected, reveals that our mind regulates the DNA with finality, though there are influences on DNA from the outside energy sources and also from the bio-chemical changes that happen in the physical body. But all DNA changes are ultimately under regulatory control of the mental thoughts. Through our researches based on DSA, we identify different mental and emotional thought processes that constructively and destructively influence the DNA structure. We identify that naturally positive, happy, comfortable, peaceful and pure mental emotional state constructively or curatively modify the DNA whereas negative, unnatural, pessimistic, fearful, destructive mental and emotional states derange the DNA to express itself to an unhealthy plane. Also each thought is connected to a functional system and/or organ of the body.
In this connection we identified that the natural mental and behavioural characteristics that guides the feminine nature are softness, smoothness, flexibility and tenderness. Any deviation from this basic nature of feminity leading to toughness of mind, results in the manifestation of the same in the female specific organs like ovaries in the form of benign tumors. When such unnatural mind setup is sustained for longer period of time and if negative emotions start developing and maintaining in the mind, these benign tumors turn into malignant tumors or cancers. It is still an ongoing research and development activity and a new direction of scientific observation which can make development of the future Medical Science and a new methodology of treatment. Please click here to know more about Dynamic Science.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer does not show any symptoms in its early stages. The signs and symptoms shown in its later stages are described below.

  • Distension of abdomen, especially lower abdomen
  • Feeling full after eating relatively small quantity of food.
  • Unexplainable weight loss
  • Discomfort in pelvic region
  • Frequent urge for urination
  • Changes in bowel habits, with development of constipation

Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer

The following tests are conducted for diagnosing ovarian cancer.

  • Physical examination: The tests for diagnosing ovarian cancer starts with a pelvic examination in which the physician carefully examines the outer part of your genital. After this, doctor may insert two fingers into your vagina and press on your abdomen with the other hand to feel the ovaries and the uterus. A device named speculum is inserted into your vagina with the help of which the doctor can visually check the abnormalities.
  • Blood tests: Blood tests are useful in detecting the presence of protein, CA 125 as a biomarker in ovarian cancer.
  • Imaging tests: These tests include ultrasound scan, CT scan or MRI scan of abdomen and pelvis which will help to understand the shape and size of the ovaries and the tumors in them.

Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) in Ovarian Cancer Treatment

At SGHHCC and SGCCRC we follow the newly invented Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) based natural holistic treatment propounded by our founder director and chief physician Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat. DSA is based on the new hypotheses called Dynamic Science (DS) which explain the relationship between the body, mind and the vital force (soul), which is actively involved in the creation and maintenance of all human beings.
With the help of DS, Dr. Kudiyat explain how genetic mutations and epigenetic changes takes place and points out that the mental and emotional thoughts can affect the vital force (soul) which in turn can influence the genetic structure and produce curative mutations and epigenetic changes.
Our treatment of cancer begins with a group counseling session in which the patient and her family have to take part, which will make them aware of the causes of the disease and how it develops. The group counseling will be given either directly at our center or through online video consultation. DSA believes that knowing the cause of the disease and understanding how it develops is the first step towards the curing process. Our DSA treatment includes – use of natural homeopathic medicines, surgery (if required) and spiritual and mental healing practices like yoga, meditation, prayers, music therapy, dance therapy, massage, etc. Eventually, the patient gets cured completely and she enjoys a new rejuvenated life. Click here to know more about dynamic scientific approach.

Homeopathic Treatment for Ovarian Cancer

Homeopathy is a new medical system introduced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann during the eighteenth century. This is a holistic system of medicine in which the self healing potential of human body is utilized for treating various diseases including cancer. The cardinal basic principle of homeopathy is ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ meaning ‘let like be cured by the like.’ In the nineteenth century, homeopathy was very successful and this fact is written in the annals of history in golden letters. Our Chief Physician Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is a world renowned researcher and scholar in homeopathic medicines and he has published a book titled ‘Homeopathic Medicine, An Unavoidable Medical Revolution.’ Dr. Kudiyat is instrumental in introducing and popularising homeopathy in the Philippines and is known as the “Father of Homeopathy in the Philippines.” He regularly addresses scientific communities where his latest findings and ideas are presented. All our patients get the unique opportunity to be treated by Dr. Kudiyat whose patient specific analysis of the situation and interpretations are unique and greatly beneficial to the patient and the entire family members. Click here to know more about Dr. Shaji Kudiyat and click here to know more about homeopathic treatment.

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