Uterine Cancer

Uterus is the organ situated in the pelvis and commonly known as womb, where the fetus grows until its birth. Uterus is like an upside down pear, the top part is known as fundus, the middle portion is known as corpus and the bottom part is known as cervix. There are three layers for the uterine wall. They are inner endometrium, middle myometrium and outer perimetrium. The lining in the inner layer of the uterus is known as endometrium. The inner lining of the endometrium grows and thickens every month after the ovulation as a preparation for the fertilized ovum to grow, if the woman becomes pregnant. If pregnancy does not take place, the thickened spongy lining which is filled with blood vessels and blood, shed off and flows out of the body. This flow is known as menstruation.

In case of cancer development of the uterus, there can be generalised hyperplasia or thickening of the endometrium or development of solitary or multiple benign tumors, called myomas and fibroids which can later on convert into malignant tumors or cancer of the uterus.

Generally Known Causes of Uterine Cancer

Present medical science is not able to explain the causes for uterine cancer. However it has been found that some ostensible factors called risk factors can boost the possibility of this cancer. They are discussed below.

  • Abnormal thickening of endometrium: Abnormal increase in the cells in the inner lining of the uterus which is medically referred as hyperplasia can lead to uterine cancer. Common symptoms of hyperplasia are heavy menstrual periods, bleeding after menopause, bleeding in between periods, etc. Hyperplasia most commonly occurs after the age of 40.
  • Myomas and Fibroids: These are benign tumors that develop in uterus which can later turn into uterine cancers.
  • Obesity: An obese woman is at a high risk of uterine cancer.
  • Women who never conceived: Women who never become pregnant have increased risk of uterine cancer.
  • Early Menarche and Late Menopause: Women whom the first menstrual periods occurred before the age of 12 and the last menstrual period was after the age of 55 have increased risk of uterine cancer.
  • Exposure to radiation: Person who was subjected to radiation therapy have increased risk of uterine cancer.
  • HRT Treatment: Women who have undergone hormone replacement treatment are at an increased risk of uterine cancer.
  • Personal or Family History of Uterine Cancer: Women who earlier had uterine cancer or whose family members had uterine cancer are at increased risk of getting this disease.

Dynamic Science (DS) Based Causes of Uterine Cancer

DS is a new generation scientific hypotheses introduced by our chief physician and founder director Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat which incorporates the dynamic components of the life – mind and vital force (soul) with DNA, which decides the functioning of the physical body. The material philosophy based present science is not suitable for studying or doing research in living organisms as it do not scientifically consider the role and involvement of the dynamic components in the physical functioning. So any conclusions derived from material philosophy based research studies are not at all complete and any understanding or inferences or solutions derived from such incomplete conclusions are incomplete also. So the DS based scientific observations and researches are the need of the new millennium and SGHHCC is taking a leadership in this line of scientific research.
Through our researches based on Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA), we identified different mental and emotional thought processes that constructively and destructively influence the DNA expression. We identify that naturally positive, happy, comfortable, peaceful and pure mental emotional state constructively or curatively modify the DNA whereas negative, unnatural, pessimistic, fearful, destructive mental and emotional states derange the DNA to express itself to an unhealthy plane. Also each thought is connected to a functional system and/or organ of the body. So we are in search for the particular negative mental and emotional state/thought that affects the particular energy that regulates the functioning of the genes that regulates the multiplication and functioning of the uterus for the development of uterine tumour or cancer in each patient. In this connection, we observed that the loss of feminine characteristics and maintenance of extreme toughness of mind resulting from over aggressiveness with authoritativeness leads to the development of uterine benign tumor and a continued living in such aggressive and tough mind lead to development of anger, hatred, enmity, depression and such negative volatile uncontrollable emotional states, which converts the benign tumor to malignant tumor or cancer of uterus among women. It is still an ongoing research and development activity and a new direction of scientific observation which can help in the development of future medical science and a new methodology for treatment. Please click here to know more about Dynamic Science

Signs and Symptoms of Uterine Cancer

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding after menopause
  • Bleeding from vagina in between periods
  • Super heavy bleeding before and during menopause
  • Bleeding during and after intercourse
  • Abnormal foul smelling, pus-like and/or blood tinged vaginal discharge
  • Pain while emptying bladder
  • Pain with sexual intercourse
  • Pain and heaviness of lower abdomen
  • Frequent urination

Signs and Symptoms of 4th Stage Uterine Cancer

  • Pain in lower abdomen extending to lumbar area and legs
  • Painful urination
  • Difficult urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • Pain during bowel movement
  • Difficult bowel movement
  • Blood in the stool
  • Distension of abdomen with fluids or ascites
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness of body
  • Anaemia

If these symptoms are noticed, it is advisable that the person who experiences these signs and symptoms may meet the doctor to get advice.

Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer

If uterine cancer is suspected based on the symptoms experienced by the patient, then your doctor may suggest physical examination, blood tests, and may recommend one or more of the following tests.

  • Pelvic examination: Your doctor may examine your pelvic area to see whether any lumps or any change in shape is noticed in your reproductive organs like ovaries, vagina, uterus, cervix, etc.
  • Ultrasound: Ultra sound waves produced by a special instrument get bounced by the reproductive organs and the photograph obtained using these bounced ultrasound waves can be understood by a doctor and he will be able to state whether any cancerous tumor has occurred in the pelvic or lower abdominal organs. For better performance the device is inserted through the vagina to the uterus.
  • Biopsy: With the help of a thin tube inserted through vagina, your doctor may scrap and remove the samples of the suspicious tissues for examining it in a laboratory. This is known as biopsy. Examining the samples under a microscope will give clearer view of the sample and the doctor will be able to understand whether it is cancerous and if so the type and the stage of the cancer.

Dynamic Scientific Approach (DSA) Treatment for Uterine Cancer

Our natural holistic DSA based treatment to cure uterine cancer starts with the patient and her family members being aware of the root cause of the disease and how it develops in the body. A seminar or a group counseling session at our center or through online video consultation, with the patient and the family members explains the fundamental scientific basis of DSA which includes how the mind, vital force (soul) and DNA are interconnected, how DNA regulation takes place, how cancer develops, difference between men and women and imparts such kind of awareness about the disease and also the knowledge and conviction to initiate the healing process from within. This is followed by the application of natural homeopathic medicines, continued counseling and other inner healing practices drawn from several methods like yoga, meditation, prayer, etc. All these provide the patient the right environment and supportive mechanism to her mind, vital force and body purification, harmonisation and healing. Eventually the patient gets cured completely, she will be equipped with the knowledge that it was unhealthy, unnatural and impure mental concepts and attitudes and negative emotions which originated in the mind that lead to the origin of the disease and transforming the mind naturally positive, healthy and pure is the only way for complete cure. Judicious application of surgery is also required on a case to case basis. Click here to know more about DSA treatment.

Homeopathic Treatment to Breast Cancer

Homeopathy, the holistic system of medicine introduced to the world of healing by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician, which is based on the natural law of cure known as “Similia Similibus Curentur” meaning “let like be cured by like.” Homeopathy has separate medicines for cancer which occurs in the right and left breast, along with constitutional and/or miasmatic homeopathic medicines. Being a system of medicine with energy to affect the vital force directly and curatively, Homeopathy is the best and safest natural medicine. Our Chief Physician and Researcher, Dr. Shaji Varghese Kudiyat is a world renowned homeopathic doctor and life coach who explain how potentised homeopathic medicines work using the hypotheses of DS and authored a book titled “Homeopathic Medicine An Unavoidable Medical Revolution.” All our patients get the unique opportunity to be treated by our chief physician whose patient specific analysis of the situation and interpretations are unique and greatly beneficial to the patient and the entire family members. Click here to know more about Dr. Shaji Kudiyat and click here to know more about homeopathic treatment.

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